Does get you high but in a unique way compared to the traditional THC cannabinoid, While THC sedates you, THCv is more of a stimulant, was an unique experience and its one of the few cannabinoids i may very well order again!
On the scale of 1 to 12 (with 1 being CBD and 10 being THC)
THCv scored a solid 7 for me. (ofcourse you may experience it differently)
Although i do notice at high doses it can cause a bit of nausea but just take it slow and you shouldn't go bad. Can't recommend mixing THCv atleast not until you've had some experience with it.
Having experience mixing, i tried THCv with other cannabinoids (like THC), but it didn't really enhance the high i just started to get a bad nausea. So i have not yet found a blend that works with THCv, but hey no biggy!
THCv can badly impact your sleep, make sure not to consume before sleeping. It can make you a little jittery. but different to other stuff you might be used to like caffeine.